Wednesday, December 06, 2006

realising real needs!

... the past two months have me taught a lot more about human behaviour - while we may like to think n believe that we are doing things "for" others, 90% of the time we are doing it for ourselves... who's need is it really? i find me asking myself...most times we go momentarily blind...might seem selfish...but a whole lot more honest!

the other thing is "hope" - that undying eternal human matter how slender, how faint that glimmer of light, how ridiculous even...but in the end there is always hope! what would we be without it??

i thought i'd write a lot more...but the words don't come...what is it about words that are spoken or written that commit a thought...don't even know if that made any sense...

that's what i like about a blog! so what if it don't make sense, so what if no one reads it... my need...again!


Anarchytect said...

my need too.. to read what you write.

ajay noronha said...


pappu poppins said...

very nicely written, straight from the heart...

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse I read everything you write. And what you write is so true. We feel it, but you are able to put it into words so well!