are these the people we elect? patil, deshmukh, naqvi n yes, that chooth nandan...slowly but surely we are succumbing to exactly what the terrorists wanted...insecurities of every kind...divisions, war cries, blame games and fear. my
good ol friend from another lifetime urges us to look within and address the pain.
today also marked a significant step forward in my own 9/11...even the sky smiled! jupiter, venus n the new crescent moon in perfect conjunction.
hey ajay...gruesome , is it not? would like u to go into shobaa de's blog also and post some reactions..ther is a link on my site to her...personally feel we shd fight the terror emerging from within us as a society too..
also, the link on ur post to my site does not open...pls change it to
o ok, will do sundara.
That's my picture. Give it to me!
you want it, you get it!....yours!
Hmmm. Better express insecurities where they exist than turn paranoid in the the silence.
hey anil, thanks for dropping by. though, am not quite sure what you meant. went through your blog...quite amazing...liked it :)
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